Career 724 is a job search engine that aims to make users’ online job search more efficient. This platform combines various job opportunities on the internet into a single comprehensive database by referencing job boards, recruitment agency websites and large-scale specialized recruitment sites. Users can query this database through a clear and user-friendly interface, without having to visit each site individually. Job postings are not hosted on the Career 724 platform; users are always directed to the original postings. In other words, Career 724 is essentially a tool that redirects to these sites.
Career 724 serves 123 countries with its job search engine network and offers user-friendly interfaces in 30 different languages.
Career 724 uses a series of networked intelligent agents to detect job postings on the internet. These tools scan a wide range of sites, from small recruitment agency websites displaying only a few listings to large job boards hosting thousands of job opportunities. These sites are scanned every day and the jobs detected are added to the job database. More than 30000 websites are scanned regularly every day.
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